I am the Acting Chairman of the Cassette Tape Storage Council. As far as I know I am also the only member. I would have liked to style myself, humorously, Deputy Chairman, but since it is only me here it would have sounded like a joke.
Although to many of you guys the very word “tape” may sound like a joke in 2021. OK, but it is no joke to me. I take tapes seriously, and I invite all my readers to get familiar with the Cassette Tape Storage Council and consider joining. As I explain in the web site, curious people will not be admitted, only those who show a real committment to tapes will.
There is a Tape Storage Council somewhere. There is no relation between their organization and mine. I focus on cassette tapes, not just any kind of tapes.
The “Deputy” thing I took from American Dad. The fact that Bullock is the Deputy Director is amusing to me.
We have no structure, no real organization, no by-laws or members, other than me. As our numbers grow, a structure and by-laws will be put forward.
This is original contents I am adding to my blog at SDF today, August 1, 2021. Send feedback to gasconheart@sdf.org.
The current URL of the site is http://gasconheart.sdf.org/ctsc.
July 5th, 2022